I'm not affiliated with this conference, but I thought it might be of some
interest to those who've not yet heard of it. Best wishes to all...
--- Tina Kendall <tskendallATucdavis.edu> wrote:
>Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 15:07:33 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Tina Kendall <tskendallATucdavis.edu>
>To: spoon-announcementsATlists.village.virginia.edu
>Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP: Recyclables (9/1/01;
>Reply-to: Tina Kendall <tskendallATucdavis.edu>
> [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for
>distributing info of
> wide enough interest without cross-posting. To
>unsub, send the message
> "unsubscribe spoon-announcements" to
>Call for Papers:
>Critical Approaches to Cultural Recycling
>There is nothing new about the practice of
>recycling. The recycling
>phenomenon has been with us for decades:
>artistically, culturally, and,
>more than ever, in our homes, we are accustomed to
>(or are becoming
>accustomed to) recycling our waste, our excess, our
>re-usable goods. But
>now the term "recycling" has also made a conspicuous
>appearance within
>academic discourse, emerging as a paradigm for
>understanding the way that
>artistic, literary, or cultural environments
>function. What can we make of
>this transposition: is recycling a valid paradigm
>for talking about
>literature, history, art, or theory? How might the
>term recycling nuance
>our understanding of the ways in which different
>social, theoretical, or
>cultural environments operate?
>Our collection of critical essays intends to explore
>the rhetoric of
>recycling as a cultural, historical, and critical
>construct. We are
>particularly interested in investigating differences
>between recycling and
>other critical terms such as "appropriation,"
>"bricolage," or "recoding."
>We welcome papers from across different disciplines
>define/legitimize/question the subject of recycling.
>Contributions should
>shed new light on the already old idea of recycling.
> Papers might
>address, but are by no means limited to the
>following topics and
>Recycling and Aesthetic Queries: How has the
>aesthetic/cultural experience
>of modernity/postmodernity been shaped by a
>relationship to recycling? How
>have the concepts of "originality" and "genius" been
>reconfigured in a
>cultural context where simulacrum and pastiche are
>increasingly important?
>Recycling and Cultural Memory: How do
>narratives recycle past
>events, materials, or memories in order to make
>claims about the past?
>What are the ideological implications of recycling
>as a mode of
>Authorship, Ownership, and Intellectual Property:
>What are the legislative
>implications for the concepts of authorship,
>ownership, and intellectual
>property under the aegis of recycling? If we view
>acts of cultural
>production as forms of recycling rather than acts of
>pure creation, how
>does this complicate our definitions of plagiarism?
>Bio-recycling: Explorations in Cloning, or: How
>recycling took the sex out
>of sexual reproduction.
>Recycling Critical Terminology: How does the term
>"recycling" differ from
>or share ground with popular critical paradigms such
>as bricolage,
>appropriation, (Deleuzian) repetition, diffrance,
>simulacrum, pastiche,
>eternal return, the nostalgia mode, the return of
>the repressed, etc.?
>Recycling as Ethical Mandate: Sacrificing our goods
>for the (common) Good,
>or: Recycling as Ritual
>Between Exhaustion and Excess: What are the
>differences between a
>recycling practice prompted by the exhaustion of
>resources and a more
>"excessive" recycling practice, in which recycling
>is a form of aesthetic
>Production, Perversion, Pleasure: To what extent can
>recycling itself be
>considered productive or pleasurable? Does the idea
>of recycling negate
>desire? Or is there room for erotic play in a
>process of repetition?
>Could recycling be considered masturbatory? A
>symptom of private or
>cultural impotence? What might it mean to explore
>the physical, sexual,
>or puritanical aspects of a fascination with
>Refusing to Recycle: How does a refusal to recycle
>^trash^ different
>institutions (literary, bureaucratic, aesthetic)? Is there anything that
>cannot be recycled? What are the implications of an
>aesthetic or
>political refusal to recycle?
>Recycling and the Information Age: What are the
>implications or limitations of recycling in
>cyberspace? If the Internet
>constitutes a utopic space of recycling, then what
>are the implications
>for us, its virtual ragpickers?
>We are currently negotiating with University Presses
>for publication.
>Please send one to two page abstracts (by September
>1) to:
>Tina S. Kendall Kristin Koster
>Department of French Department of French
>1 Shields Ave. 1 Shields Ave.
>University of California University of California
>Davis, CA 95616 Davis, CA 95616
>tskendallATucdavis.edu kekosterATucdavis.edu
>please visit our website:
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