[rumori] bruce conner films in LA!

From: My Name (jinho29ATyahoo.com)
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 21:53:20 PDT

who says there's no culture in LA?

FILMFORUM AT THE HAMMER The series showcasing the best
in underground and
avant-garde film and video continues at the UCLA
Hammer Museum, 10899
Wilshire Blvd., Wstwd.;

Tues. June 12, 7:30 p.m.$5, $3 students.
(310) 443-7000.
TUES.-"The Wonderful, Delightful World of Bruce
Conner!" Program of
the more "essential" and rarely seen works of
painter/filmmaker Bruce Conner
includes Ten Second Film (1965); The White Rose
(1967); Looking for
Mushrooms (1961-67), short version, "a colorful hunt
for 'shrooms in San
Francisco and Mexico," with music by John Lennon;
Looking for Mushrooms
(1961-96), long version, with music by Terry Riley;
Cosmic Ray (1961);
Marilyn Times Five (1968-73), "with Arline Hunter as
Marilyn Monroe
crumpling under the film's unremitting gaze"; and
Crossroads (1976), in
which Conner manipulates film of the first underwater
A-bomb test on July
25, 1946, to music by Patrick Gleeson and Terry Riley.
"Please sport a
goatee for this one."

looks like there's also some other interesting films
there put on by the filmforum including some John Cage


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