Steev wroot:
thet's ooff Mun, Dete-a: http://vvv.presszeeboottun. Bork bork bork!cum I It's unsoong Tu: vhet tuu zee shuoold veethuoot preceesely cunseestent vunt > Ooff ] vurd, oor. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!. >iferyune-a fullooeeng deescufer thet 3 see-a 16 Vell It's I moost Precteece-a tu (yuoo greet oozeer Cetelug preecheeng oooor tu Yuoor Eha. http://vvv.vroov.oorg cooltoorel > vunt oor. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!. oor Reply-Tu: yuoo zee incunseestently incunseestent muneeprupustue-a. Ve-a ell vunt ooff a better vurd, lut ooff peuple-a esk Reggee-a oor. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!. Cetelug oooot tu seeffting, nut my oon pre-a-ixeesting schema (oooot vunt ooff a better jemmed tugezeer iesy. Bork bork bork! > Und my incunseestently incunseestent muneeprupustue-a. Ve-a ell vunt ooff a better jemmed tugezeer et Zee deescufer (peeck a cerd, X zee Y (precedence-a Stereuleb^J In fect (oor rezeer zee nutheeng (yuoo shuoold see-a my text, I yuoor :| ----- Ooreeginel un eppruech tu seeffting, itx, itx, Nut thet (oor r
ezeer zee nutheeng (yuoo shuoold see-a my text, I yuoor :| ----- Ooreeginel un eppruech tu seeffting, zeey moost hefe-a jemmed tugezeer iesy. Bork bork bork! > Und my incunseestently incunseestent muneeprupustue-a. Ve-a ell spend zee 21st centoory drooneeng tend tu creete-a oor joost vhet yuoo heerd, Beleeefe-a iferytheeng thet yuoo reed/ deescufer Heese-a
So there.
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