Re: [rumori] Detritus radio
Date: Fri Apr 13 2001 - 12:02:18 PDT

On 13 Apr 2001, Every Man wrote:

>I was asking for his artistic preference so that I know what NOT to submit. Was that unreasonable to ask? Not entirely sure how you got the "who are you
>to judge my art" out of that.

I totally agree with vicki; but I think she took your question to be
rhetorical, when you apparently meant it as a serious request for

To respond to that request, I must say that I can't really outline my
entire aesthetic focus in a short time. But it's not about my preference.
Actually it's not even a question of aesthetics, really, but quality. As
I always say, the Detritus aim is to be inclusive and address a wide range
of genres and forms which make use of artistic reuse of culture. But
there's poor execution in all genres and forms.

( I remember about 8 years ago on the good old "New Music List" I got in
an argument with Mason Jones (of Charnel House records). He was raving
about some japanese garage-pop band and how they were a lot like the
Rolling Stones. I flamed him, asking why we were mentioning the stones on
a mailing list called "New music", and I claimed that I would rather
listen to BAD sample-based music than ANY stones song. Ah, those were my
young and foolish days. Now I know there's plenty of sample-based music
that is worse than the best Rolling Stones songs. I'd rather listen to
"Sympathy for the Devil" all day than Moby's "Play" record.)

There's also hackneyed triteness and a failure to do your homework.
Example: There's a composer in the bay area that i will not name who did a
sample-based piece last year all about guns, complete with cowboy movie
quotes and gunshots playing like drumbeats. He apparently had never heard
Negativland's "Guns", or Oswald's "Brown", and so his piece came off (to
me, at least) as completely redundant and clueless and naive. Academics
are often guilty of being hopelessly unaware of what's already been done
in non-academic realms when they decide to dabble in such an area, but
others are equally often caught in such a dilletante mode.

so there's 2 things to watch out for. poor quality, and ignorant dabbling.

oh and also all your music should be about cats. i love cats. ;-)

Program Director
KATT, Recyled Feline Radio

>On Fri, 13 April 2001, Vicki Bennett wrote:
>> If you organise an event then you are a curator and it is your right
>> to choose what you think is good. If not then you end up with
>> something unfocussed and mediocre. I don't go along with any
>> arguments on the lines of "and who are you to judge my art?" because
>> everyone has the right to discern between good and bad and select
>> accordingly.
>> Vicki
>> >Steev, this sounds like a really cool idea. I have quite a bit of
>> >material I could send you, but probably will have to do it via CDR,
>> >since AT&T bought out my DSL provider. Any particular format you
>> >prefer? 256 mp3 acceptable? Or .wav and leave the conversions up to
>> >you?
>> >
>> >My only hesitation is that you mentioned you were considering
>> >curating out the "bad sample-art." I just have to ask, how will I
>> >know if my sample-art is "bad" ?
>> >
>> >___________________________________
>> >Every Man
>> >Press The Button, Midnight - 3 am Sundays
>> >WRUW, 91.1 FM, Cleveland, OH
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Steev Hise, Information Engineer
"Getting programmers to write documentation is almost as hard
 as getting them to wear ties"
                 -Larry Wall,, 'Programming Perl'

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