Time will tell.... I'd like to hear something new my own self!
In a reverse way, I wouldn't say music videos added anthing musical to
music, only pictures of it. It's just a mediumistic combination of two
senses instead of one. This was the case with film too. We LIKE the
combination of sight and sound, but the sound can only color the picture
and the picture can only color the sound. They remain discreet and separate
relms of sense exploration that, yes, can be combined for a more complex
experience. As I said, all future explorations will reside in such
combinations. But sound is MUCH more limited than sight in my opinion and
we probably haven't reached the end of what visual work itself might
consist of or look like.
>>I've heard lots of people say that "everything that can be done has been
>>done," and I simply don't buy it. It's like saying, "Every scientific fact
>>to be discovered about the Earth has already been discovered," when we're
>>still in the midst of learning all sorts of new stuff!
> While I tend to agree with DJ's arguments that all new music is
>deriviative, when he talks about how there is absolutly no new musical areas
>to be explored, I can't help but think about the parallels between music and
>film. When sound was added to film many years back, there was a rather
>large backlash from 'critics', who believed that film tech had already
>advanced as far as it could. They thought that there was nothing that sound
>could add to the movie experience, other than pure novelty value.
>Obviously, they were very, very wrong.....
> DJ has just said a few too many 'Never's for me.....
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