Re: [rumori] Re: advertising & collage

From: Every Man (
Date: Mon Mar 05 2001 - 04:54:42 PST

Listening to Top 40 radio (which I often do to keep tabs
on pop culture) I've noticed lately that it is nearly
impossible for me to notice the difference between the
actual songs and the commercials themselves. The stations
use the pop songs as music beds for some of their promos,
followed by commercials for TV shows or products using
similar music beds, which aren't top 40, but sound almost
identical to top 40. If it wasn't for the lyrical differences,
I'd say they are the same.

But see...the lyrics ARE the difference. In Nelly's song
Country Grammar, he's not telling you to buy a product...
but his record label is producing 100 bands a month based
around the "Nelly formula" because he's successful. Next
time fans of Nelly hear another artist with a similar sound,
they'll confuse it for Nelly..and then simply like it because
it's familiar and safe grounds. So, I don't think Nelly's
music SELLS something, but his CD sells...other bands will
soon expect you to buy them because they are produced to
sound LIKE someone else who sold well.

Record labels are notorious for finding a product that works,
and then producing 100's of similar products to milk that
formula for all it's worth until the next big thing unexpectedly
hits, like what happened with grunge music in the early 90's.
Thank god for this...repetitious mainstream music makes
non-mainstream that much more appealing. Like here in the
midwest, it's kinda nice to have the cold winters to make us
better appreciate the warm summers. My relatives in Florida
take it for granted.

ALL of TV is an ad? Rabbit, surely you were being facetious.
What about PBS or public access? Locally, public access is to TV
what college stations are to radio. I presume you meant commercial
broadcasting...whereas commercials are embedded within the programming,
just like commercial radio. Though you say even the programming
itself is an ad. In that case...on commercial radio, the music
itself is an ad to you, yes?

I know you do animation for Disney, but do you have FULL control
over your content, or do you have to make artistic compromises?
Do you consider it art at all, in addition to it being an ad?
Or is it art until it airs...whereas it becomes an ad?

I have a love/hate relationship with advertising. I do think
a lot of it is very creative, sometimes.

BTW, Rabbit, I think Disney is the anti-christ. Please don't
hold that against me.

On Mon, 05 March 2001, nakedrabbit wrote:
> Don Joyce wrote:
> >Because it's NOT free expression.
> >Ads are attaching somebody's work (the ad agency, other art, etc) to a
> >THIRD party's interests - not for the sake of the ad agency's art work in
> >itself, and not for the sake of the art used, but for the sake of the
> >product paying for it.
> So what about television? ALL of TV is one big ad, even the
> "programming." I know I am often involved (as an animator) in making
> half-hour "ads" for the Disney brand. Ads drive evrything on TV, even to
> the point that stations themselves are brands of advertising conduit.
> Personally, I think YES, that TV is one big ad, and should pay for
> everything under the Joyce Plan. But you may have a different idea?
> Naked Rabbit P.O. Box 36673 LA CA 90036 |||||
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