"We're hoping to get a united front of artists who believe that we have to
keep fair use from being exploited, and the ability to exploit that has been
I have not read a more mind boggling misapprehension of reality in some time!
There is absolutely NO basis for this statement. Fair Use is the most
underexploited, unavailable, underadvertised, and withheld from practical
use aspect in ALL of copyright law and always has been. This guy is a liar,
an idiot, and a lame brained shill for the stingy intellects that will
uphold the artistic restrictions of copyright NO MATTER WHAT they get in
the way of.
And once again dragging that old beard of "supporting artists" over his art
oblivious fangs to get sympathy for the LAW EXPLOITING devils who bought
him his BMW and who have not the slightest inclination of supporting art or
artists if it should ever even slightly diminish their own copyright cut.
Take the MONEY out of "supporting artists" and see how many of these caring
individuals stick around for just the ART. Sorry, guy, I'd rather associate
with a united front of music "pirates' any day, at least they're honest
about what they're doing. NO RESPECT!
>Friday would not be complete without Brad's Digital Music Digest...here
>Copyright or Copy Wrong?
>by Brad King
>2:00 a.m. Feb. 16, 2001 PST
> The copyright is wrong, Orrin.
>Looks like there's going to be a showdown at high noon on the Senate floor
>between warring authors of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
>On the one side are those who believe the DMCA has allowed piracy to become
>rampant, and technology companies to run roughshod over property rights. On
>the other side are those who believe the content companies, especially in
>the week of the Napster ruling, have too much control.
>The DMCA was designed to usher intellectual property and copyright into the
>digital age by creating the framework for licensing deals and anti-piracy
>measures. Since its inception in 1998, the law has come under attack from
>technologists who claim the act gives content companies too much power.
>Those arguments led Bruce Lehman, one of the original writers of the bill,
>to put together a consortium of trade and artist groups to fight those very
>technology companies.
>"The balance (of copyright law) is tilting toward this anarchist,
>everything-for-free view," said Robert Hudson Westover, media relations
>consultant for the International Intellectual Property Institute where
>Lehman works. "You've got to remember that technology is on the side of
>those who want to pirate. They are working on shutting down Napster, but
>there are hundreds of other applications out there."
>Executives from the streaming and downloading companies have complained that
>without access to content from the music and movie industry, their
>businesses would certainly fail.
>That argument seemed to hit home this week when the Ninth Circuit Court of
>Appeals upheld in part an injunction which could shut down the file-trading
>service Napster.
>The head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) wrote
>an open letter to the president, announcing his desire to open up hearings
>to discuss the effects of the Napster ruling.
>"I have been troubled by the possible practical problems that may arise from
>this decision," Hatch wrote. "I am troubled as a strong supporter and prime
>author of much of our copyright law and intellectual property rights.
>"Mr. President, by ordering the lower court to impose a preliminary
>injunction -- before a trial on the merits, mind you -- on this service that
>had developed a community of over 50 million music fans, it could have the
>effect of shutting down Napster entirely, depriving more than 50 million
>consumers access to a music service they have enjoyed."
>It's that type of talk that Westover said prompted the formation of the
>consortium. No members have been named as of yet, although Westover said the
>response from the content industry has been very positive.
>"We're hoping to get a united front of artists who believe that we have to
>keep fair use from being exploited, and the ability to exploit that has been
>tremendous," Westover said. "The potential for changing the DMCA is for the
>artists to lose out on their only commodity -- their intellectual property."
>Napster fallout: Consumer electronics companies might be forced to redesign
>their architecture to avoid ending up in court after watching the courts
>continue to rule in favor of copyright holders in the digital entertainment
>MP3.com was bounced for creating a digital database of music. Napster
>continues to get dinged for allowing files to be shared over a network.
>Electronics manufacturers are faced with the daunting task of whether to
>develop new systems that can offer similar types of services through
>television sets.
>"Actual litigation might not be necessary," said Fred von Lohmann, visiting
>researcher at the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology. "The unstated
>threat is good enough to distort the way technology is built."
>Television recording device TiVo (TIVO) places limitations on its
>technology, von Lohmann said, using a proprietary storage format, not
>digital output, and no ability to eliminate commercials. He said devices
>that didn't impose those types of limitations could conceivably face
>Panasonic Consumer Electronics will release a television with a hard drive,
>capable of recording 30 hours of shows in MPEG 2, 30-second fast-forward
>capability, and an Internet connection through the free ReplayTV service
>offered to new users.
>The old, new Napster: Fresh off its own $180 million copyright-infringement
>suit, MP3.com jumped into the file-trading business as users began looking
>for new music-sharing opportunities.
>Where Napster users trade digital music files across a centralized network,
>MP3.com (MPPP) is facilitating file-trading the old fashioned (and legal)
>way -- with CDs.
>The digital music company teamed with www.Swapit.com (STG), a mail-order
>business that allows users to trade in their old CDs and games in exchange
>for credit to purchase from affiliated stores.
>Not to worry that you'll only be able to purchase bands on MP3.com -- the
>Swapit service aggregates used stores, giving consumers a shopping choice.
>Think of it as a used-entertainment store on the Web.
>"This is a perfectly symbiotic relationship," Swapit president Howard
>Schneider said in a written release. "We provide the service, MP3.com
>provides users who seek music."
><< Back 2 of 2
>Hal Bringman
>5055 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 310
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>Phone: 323-650-1328
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