Just saw this on another list. Since I've often felt the members of this
list are a bit more technical, I thought I'd paste the email here for you
all to discuss. I'm quite curious about the validity of these statements.
Ten reasons DVD Audio will fail:
1) 99% of albums don't have surround information.
2) Most listening is done on headphones, and you can do 3D sound with two
channels on headphones if you care to.
3) No DVD player sold to date will play DVD Audio, except a couple of models
released at the end of last year.
4) No computer will play DVD Audio, even if it has a DVD-ROM drive.
5) DVD Audio has CSS-like encryption and copy protection, including
6) Most people think MP3 sounds good enough, so they won't care that
DVD Audio sounds better than CD.
7) Most people's equipment won't reproduce the sound well enough for them
to hear the difference between CD and DVD Audio anyway.
8) There's competition from SACD and HDCD, as well as audio recordings on
regular DVD -- and consumers hate format wars.
9) You can't record your own DVD Audio discs, and there's no likelihood of
being able to in the near future.
10) There's an enormous installed base of CD players -- I've got six different
devices that can play CD -- and nobody will want to buy albums they can
only play on one of the devices in their house, when they can buy a CD
and play it anywhere, including at a friend's house.
Every Man every.manATpressthebutton.com
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