This week sees the reissue of two deleted People Like Us vinyl releases -
Lassie House, and Jumble Massive. It's available mid-price on Soleilmoon's
label, Caciocavallo. http://www.soleilmoon.com
Thermos Explorer (on Hot Air) has now been out for a few weeks also. For
further information, and also mp3s from these and other releases, go to
Finally, there are some live dates coming up -
Disastronaut Presents:
People Like Us and Wobbly in Concert
9th September
AT The Brighton Lift Club
11-12 Queen's Road BN1 3WA
United Kingdom
There will also be dates in Lisbon at the end of November and Hamburg at
the end of the December. No more details on those yet, but it will be
posted on the PLU site once known.
The Touch 00 Sampler is now out, featuring Ryoji Ikeda, Daniel Menche,
Chris Watson, Mika Vainio and Philip Jeck, and PLU with The Jet Black Hair
People and Wobbly. The JBPLU/Wobbly track was recorded on Mike Howes's
show on KZSU, Stanford, California last year.
Coming up... a book and CD - out in the autumn. It's about sampling
culture, this is all the information available to date. It will feature
Station Rose, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Mike Hentz, Jan St Werner, Herwig
Weiser, Franz Graf, Petra Coronato, N.I.C.J.O.B., Axel Stockburger, Fon,
F X Randomiz, Möslang/Guhl/Voicecracker, Hans Platzgumer and People Like Us.
October sees the release of "A Fistful of Knuckles" - People Like Us's very
own Campfire Album. Prepare to be horrified as you get dragged on a leash
through the gates of the Happy Valley Ranch and thrown into a swamp. It
will be released on Caciocavallo. This will be the last People Like Us
release for some time, since preparation a new live video set is the next
priority, (including a residency at Hull Time Based Arts in England in
February 2001).
Lastly, PLU are interviewed/featured in Freq E-Zine
(http://www.freq.org.uk), the latest Sound Projector Mag
(http://www.supergraphics.demon.co.uk/soundprojector/sp7.html) Issue Number
7, alongside Otomo Yoshihide, Van
Dyke Parks and Nocturnal Emissions. Also the July/August edition (number
18) of Tape Op magazine (http://www.tapeop.com). There are small features
coming up in Muzik Mag and er, Mens World...!!!
That's about it. If you received all of this and are not interested, then
please reply and you won't receive any more mail.
People Like Us
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