"The War on the Imagination is the only war that matters."
--Diane Diprima, poet
It has always been the objective of the free expression activist group
Rock Out Censorship to publish an ongoing scorecard on what
novelist Robert Anton Wilson has called "the glowingly obvious
warfare between those who would program all of us, and those of
us who wish to become our own metaprogrammers." R.O.C. will
now move closer to that objective with the launching of the R.O.C.
News Service at http://www.roc-news.com, mirrored at
The ROC News Service will provide news and analysis of the latest
skirmishes in America's ongoing Culture Wars. On the ROC News
main page, you will find our most recent newsletters, links to
hundreds of current censorship news stories, and other valuable
information to keep you informed on the issue of censorship.
Check back with the ROC News current news links area frequently
as we will be updating this on a continuous basis to help keep
everyone fully informed on *EVERYTHING* we see that we feel to
be something all of you need to know about. We have even
included an update form at
http://www.theroc.org/roc-news/update.htm for our readers to
submit links to stories you find that you think we need to make
everyone aware of.
Our existing Incident Update section has now been integrated into
the ROC News service as part of our reporting system and we hope
to get back on track with sending our Incident Updates shortly.
The ROC News Service additionally contains an extensive
collection of over 6000 links to past censorship related articles and
news stories from publications and websites of other organizations
fighting for our freedoms--making it a "must" bookmark for students,
journalists, activists, artists and fans alike. This news links archive
can be accessed directly at
http://www.theroc.org/roc-news/newsarchives.htm .
We feel this latest addition to our site will be of particularly strong
value to anyone researching information on the censorship issue for
class projects or other writing assignments as we consider our
links resource to basically be a map to the motherlode of
information on the censorship issue. We have the 6000+ links to
stories divided into six categories--Entertainment and Art
Censorship, Internet and Technology Censorship, School and
University Censorship, Church/State Separation Abuses,
Miscellaneous Censorship, and Other Political and Social Issues.
Within each main category, we have all the links divided into
subcategories, and then broken down by specific case or type of
case to further increase the ease of use for people looking for
information on a specific subject.
Additionally, we will continue to publish our ROC News Electronic
Bulletins as often as possible to keep you informed when major
censorship news breaks. An archive of past News Bulletins will
also be maintained as part of the ROC News Service.
We hope that each of you will benefit greatly from the information
we will be providing through the new ROC News Service. After you
go through what we have available currently, please do drop us a
line to give us feedback on what you think of this resource and/or
to offer suggestions for improvement.
--ROC Staff
To stay up-to-date on all of our actions against censorship please
Please help us build this mailing list by visiting
for details on how you can get more people to
join us.
http://www.theroc.org Email: rocATtheroc.org, roc-hqATtheroc.org
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