RE: [rumori] Re: question

From: Lawrence Comras (
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 17:13:11 PDT

It's a pretty fascinating question though. For example, we sell clip
boards, cutting boards and lots of other stuff made from recycled detergent
bottles. The company that does the extruding and remolding is called Yemm &
Hart. In the refabricated material you can see little bits of the old
label, and sometimes you can even read parts of words. I haven't seen one
yet, but it's not inconceivable that one of the paper shards could have
enough of the trade name so as to be branding the recycled item as well. I
don't know if it's what Tide would have in mind. And often one can see on
the face of the watches we sell made from beer cans the portion of the label
with the name of the beer. My argument would be: if they aren't willing to
take responsibility for getting the item back to the factory, and it's
destined to be trash, the claim of the brand ceases when the item is
repurposed. I doubt I'd win that though. Well, we're launching June 14th,
so we'll find out soon enough I guess.

 - Axil

Lawrence “Axil” Comras
Green Home Homey <>
850 24th Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94121
(415) 282-6400
(415) PLANET-X (Fax)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Steev Hise
> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 5:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: [rumori] Re: question
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:16:05 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Steev Hise <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: question
> Dear sir,
> I'm sorry, but deals only with artistic cultural
> appropriation. Unfortunately our interest and expertise does not include
> the area of trademark law that you mention. However, I wish you luck in
> your case.
> sincerely,
> steev hise
> Thu, 25 May 2000 found writing:
> ->-----------------------------------------------------
> ->This message was sent by someone looking at:
> ->
> ->from:
> ->-----------------------------------------------------
> ->
> ->24 May 2000
> ->
> ->
> ->Dear Sir or Madam
> ->
> ->Unfair competition and trademark infrigment against Lexmark
> International, Inc.
> ->
> ->I am a company lawyer who is representing an important Spanish
> remanufacturing company. I am writing to enquire about the legal
> situation in connection with the remanufacturing industry in the
> USA. The main activities of the Company are reselling, reusing,
> refilling or remanufacturing cartridges of printers.
> ->
> ->Lexmark International, Inc. has presented a claim to the
> Company I represent because of an unfair competition and a
> trademark infrigment. The infrigment consist in reusing recycled
> and remanufactured cartridges of printers without taking out
> Lexmark`s trademark.
> ->
> ->The defendant Company has dedicated an immense amount of
> resourses to support its activities and we are comitted to using
> all reasonable means of defending our rights.
> ->
> ->I was wondering if you could provide us with some information
> about the legal precedents in using OEMs trademarks on recycled
> or remanufactured products or some further details about it that
> you deem important, especially, if there are any Law or Judicial
> Resolution ordering to take out totally the OEMs trademark from
> the recycled cartridges. This information will be very useful to
> substantiate our defence.
> ->
> ->I would appreciate it if you could send it as soon as possible.
> ->
> ->I look forward to hearing from you.
> ->
> ->Sincerelly yours.
> ->
> ->
> ->
> Steev Hise, Wannabe Has-Been
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> "We work at 'service' or info-related jobs, helping in our little
> way to move disembodied symbols of wealth around an abstract grid
> of capital."
> -Hakim Bey
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