[rumori] FW: interesting opportunity: Collage Jukebox
Boster, Bob [rumori] FW: interesting opportunity: Collage Jukebox
Thu, 3 Dec 1998 09:46:36 -0800 (00912707196, c=US%a=_%p=HIII%l=MAIN_SERVER-981203174636Z-11039atserver2.orban.com)
Not only is this a cool idea, but trying to make sense of the English is
fun too!
>>>Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 23:54:47 +0100
>>>From: jerome joy <jjatCNAP-VILLA-ARSON.FR>
>>>Subject: (ENGLISH) COLLAGE JUKEBOX version 2.0
>>> COLLAGE JUKEBOX 2.0 http://www.imaginet.fr/manca/joy/collage
>>>---------Musee d'art contemporain de Lyon France
>>>---------11/02/1999 > 11/04/1999
>>>DEADLINE : 8/12/1998
>>>------------------ Bar Wagram Nice
>>>DEADLINE: 30/01/1999
>>>Venez rejoindre les quelques 170 artistes qui participent deja au projet.
>>>Envoyez vos contributions des maintenant.
>>>Come to join the few 170 artists who take part already in the project. Send
>>>your contributions now.
>>>--> Jerome Joy, BP 74, 06372 MOUANS SARTOUX Cedex, FRANCE.
>>>--> email: jjatcnap-villa-arson.fr
>>>--> fax: 00 33 4 92 92 26 35
>>>////// INVITATION //////
>>>You are invited to take part in Collage JukeBox, a project of Jerome Joy.
>>>Here is the advertisement of the new international project Collage JukeBox.
>>>You are cordially invited to take part in this co-operative project of an
>>>international edition in a new form: a juke-box. This project proposes new
>>>investigations in the field of the sound, in music, visual arts and in
>>>other disciplines. It is a project on the " fixed sound " or the " recorded
>>>sound ". The original proposal of the Collage Project was two years ago, to
>>>can listen to some new sound and musical investigations in knowing that the
>>>majority of those are not broadcoasted in thetraditional networks, and to
>>>find some inedite forms of presentation which come out off the beaten
>>>tracks and which allow to put together some sound researches in visual arts
>>>and musical ones. How the sound invests the contemporary languages today?
>>>and which artistic activity and musical possible today?
>>>///// DESCRIPTION /////
>>>The new project Collage JukeBox, after the project of the last year
>>>CollageTV and the first version of JukeBox the last summer, uses the device
>>>of a "true" JukeBox to become mobile and permanent. The edition consists of
>>>evolutionary banks of CDAUDIOs, growing progressively with new
>>>contributions, and is representative of new sound investigations in art and
>>>music. It is not a question of a collection carried out by collecting, but
>>>of a project where we ask each artist to voluntarily take part and to send
>>>what he or she desires. You can send to the postal address above your sound
>>>and/or musical contributions (works, extracts, documents, etc.) on DAT, CD
>>>or audio-cassette, each work must be less than 10 minutes.
>>>These contributions are then burned on CD, are inserted in the JukeBox
>>>device and are "playable" like tracks starting from the board of the Juke.
>>>Specific works for this project of JukeBox are of course welcome and
>>>especially desired. The participating artists keep the moral right and the
>>>copyright on works sent. JukeBox is free and not-paying. The user chooses
>>>one or of the selections on the board of the JukeBox according to the names
>>>of the artists and titles' displayed, as on a traditional jukebox. All the
>>>selected artists are named (quoted) into each presentation of the project
>>>(publication, catalogs, etc). You can invite two or three other artists to
>>>participate to the JukeBox project.
>>>The Collage title do not want to indicate a selection and a esthetic
>>>reference according to this kind, but this choice wanted to reveal this
>>>particular juxtaposition of different varied processes and experiences
>>>around audio recording. The project Collage JukeBox is permanent today and
>>>evolutionary, you can send your contributions when you want. Each
>>>presentation of the project is a step of this one, and contains the whole
>>>of the participations for a presentation and it choosen date. Be inventive
>>>vis-a-vis of the jukebox!
>>>///// COLLAGE /////
>>>Past events:
>>>- 1996 "Collage Musiques d'Appartement", non-stop hi-fi dispositive in an
>>>apartment open to the public .
>>>- 1996 "Collage Musiques de Plein Air", non-stop sound-system dispositive
>>>in a public place.
>>>- 1997 "Collage TV", 38 TV-programs of 15 minutes each, white screen +
>>>- 1997 "Collage Auditorium", automatic website.
>>>- since 1998 "Collage JukeBox", jukebox. (version 1.0, Bregenz Austria,
>>>11/02/1999 > 11/04/1999
>>>!!!!!!!! DEADLINE : 8/12/1998
>>>Collage JukeBox will be presented during the event "Musiques en scenes"
>>>with other projects of Janet Cardiff, Ian Car Harris, Philip Corner, Paul
>>>Demarinis, Raymond Gervais, John Giorno, Joe Jones, Collage JukeBox un
>>>projet de Jerome Joy, Alvin Lucier, Christian Marclay, La Monte Young,
>>>Charlotte Moorman, Charlemagne Palestine, Peter Sinclair & GH Hovagimyan,
>>>Michael Snow, Wolfgang Staehle, Doug & Mike Starn, Stephen Vitiello et Bill
>>>I am sorry for the very short time for the reception of the new
>>>contributions and the "montage" of the project, but I was informed myself
>>>very late. All the artists will be quoted in the catalog. The JukeBox will
>>>be presented in a user-friendly space especially arranged for this purpose
>>>(with a bar), and not laid out into exhibition spaces.
>>>Mars 1999
>>>!!!!!!!! DEADLINE : 30/01/1999
>>>Collage JukeBox will be presented into a traditional bar near the Nice 's
>>>///// PARTICIPANTS /////
>>>The number of participants have not ceased to increase since two years,
>>>creating truly an experimental space in which meet as much the artists in
>>>contemporary art, composers, musicians, etc.
>>>Since the Collage JukeBox Version 1.0, you can find into the JukeBox pieces
>>>of these following artists:
>>>Annie Abrahams, Anna Adahl, Guenther Albrecht, Dominique Angel,
>>>Pierre-Andre Arcand, Eric Arlix, Scot Art, Kenneth Atchley, Christophe
>>>Ballange, Christian Banasik, Robert Barry, Frederic Beaumes, Vicki Bennett,
>>>John Bischoff, Olivia Block, Blood on the Honky Tonk Floor, Lynn Book,
>>>Xavier Boussiron, Steve Bradley, Pascal Broccolichi, Nicolas-Jaufre Bullot,
>>>Warren Burt, Rosalie Calabrese, Rhys Chatham,Jeff Chippewa, Henri Chopin,
>>>Michel Cloup, Philip Corner, Pierre Couprie, Courtis, Andy Cowton, Kurt
>>>Dahlke, Lance Dann, D'Arcy Philip Gray, Sophie Decoret, Paul Demarinis,
>>>Ernesto Diaz Infante, Dickyoucantrust, Kristie Drew, Chantal Dumas, Jean
>>>Dupuy, Dust Breeders, Karlheinz Essl, David Fenech, Evelyn Ficarra, Rajmil
>>>Fischman, Mike Frengel, Bernhard Fruehwirth, William Furlong, Rainer
>>>Ganahl, Diego Garro, Marcus Geiger, Thomas Gerwin, Bob Gluck, Fred Gobin,
>>>The Golden Gate Fils de Pute, G.R.A.M., Gilles Grand, Alex Grillo, Bruno
>>>Guiganti, Martin Guttman, Claudia Hart, Hanna Hartman, Andrew Hauschild,
>>>Christophe Havel, Nigel Helyer, Axel Huber, Sung Ho Hwang, Joseph Hyde,
>>>Jalouxdemonsucces, Philip Jeck, Thorsten Jordan, Pierre Joseph, Jerome Joy,
>>>Luc Kerleo, Martin Kippenberger, KlangKrieg, Imi Knoebel,
>>>Koch-Schuetz-Studer, Thomas Koener, Jan Kopp, Charles Kriel, Peter
>>>Kristiansen, Christina Kubisch, Petri Kuljuntausta, Eric La Casa, Diane
>>>Landry, Heimo Lattner, Richard Lerman, Philippe Legoff, Thomas Lehn, Claude
>>>Leveque, John Lever, Ludovic Lignon, Henry Lowengard, Marco Lulic, Erik M.,
>>>Kenny Mac Alpine, Danny Mac Carthy, Andrew McKenzie / The Hafler Trio,
>>>Arnaud Maguet, Eric Maillet, Don Malone, Jose Augusto Mannis, Maxime
>>>Matray, Kaffe Matthews, Martin Meilleur, David Michaud, Micromega, Christof
>>>Migone, Joachim Montessuis, Michael Morley, Antoine Moreau, Gianni Motti,
>>>David Moufang - Move D, Florian Mutschler, Helene Myara, Maurizio Nannucci,
>>>Yuko Nexus6 Kitamura, Jerome Noetinger, Ed Osborn, John Oswald, Frank
>>>Edward Pahl, Jean-Louis Paquelin, Para-Noise Terminal, Gianantonio Patella,
>>>Stacy Pershall, Christophe Petchanaz, Dominique Petitgand, Emanuel dm
>>>Pimenta, Jean-Louis Poliart, Andrea Polli / Doorika, RadioActivists, Lee
>>>Ranaldo, Maja S. Kjelstrup Ratkje, John Richey, Jocelyn Robert, Jean
>>>Routhier, Jean-Philippe Roux, Sabdam, Philip Samartzis, Sam Samore, Claude
>>>Schryer, Segovia/Vialard/Guiganti/Myara, Jarmo Sermila, Gemma Shedden,
>>>Peter Sinclair / GH Hovagymian, Franck Slama, Isabelle Sordage, Ghislave
>>>Sosnowski, Stephane Steiner, Axel Stockburger, Pete Stollery, Allen
>>>Strange, Takahiko Suzuki, Taro Suzuki, Gauthier Tassart, Asmus Tietchens,
>>>Pascale Tiraboschi, Kasper Toeplitz, Mark Trayle, Trio Erratum, Hans
>>>Tutschku, Francoise Valery, Annette Vande Gorne, Jean-Luc Verna, Yann Vero,
>>>Christian Vialard, John Voigt, Hans Weigand, Gregory Whitehead, Richard
>>>Windeyer, Komminos Zervos, Heimo Zobernig
>>>Translations with Systran: http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com
>>>Bob Gluck
>>>"Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not
>>>truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is not love, love is not music. Music is
>>>the best."