[rumori] FW: [snuggles]: Morning Edition 9/1/98 Negativland story
Polenberg, Todd [rumori] FW: [snuggles]: Morning Edition 9/1/98 Negativland story
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 11:41:22 -0400 (00904664482, 43DCB452A407D211B07F00805FA7C77B03949BatNYCEXMB07.pfizer.com)
from snuggleslist
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Allenspach [mailto:jimaatMcs.Net]
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 1998 9:18 AM
To: snugglesatkuci.org
Subject: [snuggles]: Morning Edition 9/1/98 Negativland story
Just RA-encoded the Negativland/RIAA story and stuck it in a
temporary directory on my Webspace. You can listen to it at this URL:
You need the RealPlayer G2 to listen to it. (That's the letter G...)
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