[rumori] new thread
Boster, Bob [rumori] new thread
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 16:41:58 -0700 (00903080518, c=US%a=_%p=HIII%l=MAIN_SERVER-980813234158Z-6012ATserver2.orban.com)
>From: Steev[SMTP:steevATdetritus.net]
>->the idea that Artifice would be a creative construction that involved
>->conceptualizing the audience as it's primary focus and very little
>->attempt to render an interior constructed concept. Sort of like
>->Advertising without the product. Maybe discussing that vision makes
>->more sense without the bombast.
>what exactly do you mean by "conceptualizing the audience"? You mean like
>demographics in advertising? There still has to be some "content",
>doesn't there?
Yet another faux-binary opposition, but what I mean is that currently,
most people who are making an art are focusing their practice on the
history that comes before it. If you're a painter, you think about what
other painters have done, how painting works, the act of getting a
canvas, and a brush, etc. Even for the likes of us, we think about the
meaning of a sample that's recognizable vs. one that's not, ways to get
and manipulate the source, etc. The other way to think about it would
be to think about the audience first and what you were going to do
second, like the Situationists did. Something like "this is going to be
a piece about the way people look at each other's groceries in the
supermarket" or something like that. Then you have to think about how
to pursue that. Maybe you'd take video of people looking at each
other's carts. Maybe try to capture the printout of the scanner and
overlay that output with a programming sheet of the people who set the
frequency of the florescent lights for maximum shoppage...etc. Focus
the practice on the concept implied in the question, and let the medium
sort itself out in the wash...
More rambling. Someone tell me to stop when you get burned out.