[rumori] mining for data
Boster, Bob [rumori] mining for data
Fri, 1 May 1998 10:27:36 -0700 (00894072456, c=US%a=_%p=HIII%l=MAIN_SERVER-980501172736Z-15470ATserver2.orban.com)
howdy all.
I'm loosely involved with the zine Stay Free which focuses on
Advertising and Marketing and is edited by Village Voice advertising
columnist Carrie McLaren. Carrie's excellent column at
http://www.villagevoice.com/ink/news/17mclaren.shtml speaks cogently
about issues of advertising appropriation.
It occurred to me that on more than one occasion I've been constrained
by not wanting to use a given sound source because of it's advertising
association (foremost was the Iggy/Stooges cut that Nike brilliantly
abused a few years back, but I later came up with a reason to use that
incorporated that association as well).
Just wanted to see if people had similar experiences and maybe develop a
list of stuff that we've been shunned away from as a result of
advertising associations for Carrie to run as a sidebar in an expanded
version of this story in the next Stay Free. Related stories would be
welcome. Feel free to mail me directly if you feel this is
inappropriate for the entire group as a discussion. I've held this from
snuggles, but might expand it out to them if it seems appropriate in a
week or so. More interested in the small group response though....
Bob Boster AKA Mr. Meridies
Cultural Labyrinth impresario-in-exile