[rumori] copyright - the last defense of 13 yr old girls
Boster, Bob [rumori] copyright - the last defense of 13 yr old girls
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 15:03:48 -0800 (00889686228, c=US%a=_%p=HIII%l=MAIN_SERVER-980311230348Z-1940ATserver2.orban.com)
>From: Ric8ard Munn[SMTP:ric8ardATdigitaldevil.demon.co.uk]
>Are we taking bets on whether or not this in-duh-vidual is a failed
What about the fact that the clueless individual in question has a lot
of programming to overcome? I mean the whole heroic creator idea, of
the genius individual who creates something new out of the ether, really
sets people up for this kind of reaction. The same people generally
tend to think rap isn't music as well.
Look at the examples the person gave: Sting and John Lennon? White guys
with a quirky understanding of culture who put their own personal spin
on some threads that were much larger than them (and significantly
outside of their "own" cultures as well). Might be just another
good-hearted person whose world just hasn't exposed him/her to a less
deterministic (less creator/god) sort of worldview.
On the other hand, I think it's more likely that's wishful thinking and
the person is just a moron.