BOUNCE Non-member submission from [ (Mark Napier)] BOUNCE Non-member submission from [ (Mark Napier)]
Mon, 15 Dec 1997 21:50:16 -0800 (00882280216,

>From Mon Dec 15 21:50:14 1997
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>-An Archive of email i've been collecting for years having to do with
> appropriation and such. Every time i see anything relevant, i just save
> the mail to a folder called "plunder". I think it'd be cool to
> webify that and make it searchable.

I find email 'out-takes' more interesting than entire conversations.
Pertinent quotes are easier to follow, but it does take some editing time to
pick the bullet points.

>-A Legal Resource area - lawyers and other people or groups that would be
> helpful in copyright/trademark infringement situations.

Sounds useful. Could include links to free speech websites, legal advice
sites, etc.

>Also, a
> collection of 'cease and desist' letters just for fun, perhaps with
> an analysis of each(?).

This could be interesting reading, not so much for the legalese and jargon,
but for the cumulative impact of the insanity of it all.

>-In the Projects section: Online audio collage/collaboration - A set of
> pages and scripts that would allow users to upload their own source
> material and then enter some instructions on how it will be collaged
> together. This is the biggest job of all and whenever i start it i will
> have to do it in stages, getting more and more complex with time.
> Maybe it will eventually spread into other media besides sound, too.

Sounds intense, fun and has a lot of potential. Have you seen SITO (OTIS)?
Lots of successful collaborative works there.

The Dï$tØrtëD Bøøbie won't take it lying down!