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dedicated to recycled culture
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Detritus Archives

This is where recombined cultural produce and studies of it can be found. Included here are some of the classics of appropriation art and scholarship, preserved and protected from those that would control free expression. We'll be adding new stuff all the time, so check back often.

Some of these items are large files that take lots of bandwidth to download, and bandwidth costs us money. Before downloading, please consider donating a little something to help us pay the bills. Thanx!

Audio banned, supressed and hard to find because of copyright infringement:

Texts - writings about copyright, appropriation, and other related ideas.

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"[A]rt is long, not infinite... One day we will use it up - unless we
		can learn to recycle it like any other finite resource."
		- Spider Robinson, "Melancholy Elephants"

copyleft (CC by-sa) Sharerights extended to all.